Sunday 23 October 2011

My beautiful wife (Canon 5ooD kit lens 18-55mm) Shot at 55mm

Monday 17 October 2011


I went down to Waitrose today and reversed parked into the bay, turned the engine off and looked to my right.... What did I see staring back at me in the driving seat? A DOG! For a split second I was actaully freaked out and jumped back in my seat a little. He (the dog) gave me a look as if this was normal.... was all a bit strange. I had a small compact camera with me, so quickly took a few pictures. Would this freak you out? The second picture (gif) is pretty much what happend to me when I looked over...

Sunday 16 October 2011

Sunday 2 October 2011


These images bellow are a result of the second time I have tried taking pictures of the nights sky. On the 28/09/11 there was a new moon (no moon in the nights sky) and the weather was also very warm for this time of year. It wasn't until I got into the fields where there is little light pollution that there was low level fog, which wasn't ideal. Anyway these are some of the shots taken that night, using the Kit lens 18-55mm at f3.5, iso 1600 for and a exposure time of 25sec.

Sunday 11 September 2011


There was a great moment where these two cats noticed each other, one ran back the other soon noticed and starting to follow. I managed to document it with photos and decided to turn it into a comic style story.
[Please click image to enlarge]

Cats and a 50mm

Friday 26 August 2011

Messge To Bears T-shirts

Messge to Bears (aka MTB) are a band from Oxford who were so kind enough to play at our wedding last year. I designed this simple t-shirt for them and today in the post two arrived for us!

Bellow are some of the ideas from start to finish.

1) Using Pen, Pencil, Ink and paint at first to create a more textured feel on different outlines of bears.

2) Scanned the images in and fitted them on t-shirt outline while manipulating them to create more ideas.

3) The final, best three images were chosen and then one was chosen from them :)

These pictures were taken with the 50mm, but in very low light, so please forgive these photos ;)