Friday, 26 August 2011

Messge To Bears T-shirts

Messge to Bears (aka MTB) are a band from Oxford who were so kind enough to play at our wedding last year. I designed this simple t-shirt for them and today in the post two arrived for us!

Bellow are some of the ideas from start to finish.

1) Using Pen, Pencil, Ink and paint at first to create a more textured feel on different outlines of bears.

2) Scanned the images in and fitted them on t-shirt outline while manipulating them to create more ideas.

3) The final, best three images were chosen and then one was chosen from them :)

These pictures were taken with the 50mm, but in very low light, so please forgive these photos ;)


Monday, 22 August 2011

Kona Operator dh

This was a perfect opportunity to use the 50mm lens when the sun was low in the sky.

Smile Japan Exhibition (ganbare Japan)

On the 13.08.11 we helped raise money for the Japanese Red Cross fund by taking part in an exhibition with the subject 'Smile Japan'. Here are some of the artist work, all pictures taken with the 18-55mm kit lens. Exhibition website here:

Sunday, 7 August 2011

The Farmers Fields

There has been lots of bad weather lately, so not many good opportunities to take the camera out. One evening last week was very nice, so we went up to the farmers fields just after sun set. This is what we saw, taken with the kit lens 18-55mm

 click picture to enlarge