Sunday 8 May 2011

Animals and Other Small Creatures

All these photos were shot with the Tamron 55-200mm lens.

While most people were indoors when the Royal Wedding of William and Kate was on, we decided that it would be a perfect time to visit a small place just outside London called Paradise Wildlife Park. Bellow are just a few, of many photos taken that day (29/04/11).

Over the bank holiday weekend we went for a small trip to Southampton. Unfourtantly I didnt get my camera out much, but I did have it on me when we came up-close to a (wild?) rabbit.

Went for a walk today (08/05/11) an hanging from a tree, blowing in the wind were lots of small spiders. It was a challenge to get a decent photo of them, but the ones which did come out nice really look great due to the smooth background.

This is a 100% crop of the previous image. For a tiny spider moving around and getting blow about in the wind, the cheap Tamron did a fantastic job (I think)!

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